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Second Visit to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) 3 Nov 2023

Discussion with UTM on setting up a laboratory and doing field tests on Palm Trees, Aquaculture ponds, and various other crops and publishing the results.

Meeting with Director and Professor Dr.Hesahm A. El-Enshasy, and Associate Professor Dr. Chua Lee Suan of the Institute of Bioproduct Development. In attendance was Mr. Jimmy Ngow, Industrial Advisor for UTM. CEO Dennis Ng, Deputy Chairman and CTO Arthur Ku, Advisor Jacqueline Yap, and Field Operations Specialists, Joe Yau and Kell Goh from Kinross are all in attendance to make plans on moving Kinross products into Malaysia.

Visiting the laboratory and plant facility at the Institute of Bioproduct Development at UTM.

Some of the equipment to facilitate our further product development at UTM​.



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