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Participation at Agri-Food Tech Expo Asia at Marina Bay Sands 31 Oct to 2 Nov 2023​

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Our first participation at the Agri-Food Tech Expo, lots of activities and interest generated at our booth with many trade visitors making enquiries​.

Trade Visitor from Bhutan​ Kinross Advisor Jacqueline Yap dispensing information to Trade Visitors

Left to Right: Kinross Advisor Chitra dispensing information to Trade Visitors​

Kinross COO explaining the company to Visitors​

Kinross Operations and Field Management Team in full support​

Interest from the Media about Kinross and the MOU for Carbon Credits​

Chairman of Kinross, Johnny Lian with the MOU signing participants.

Senior Management Team of Kinross with Chairman Enterprise Singapore and Director of Enterprise Singapore for Europe

CEO Kinross explaining to Chairman Enterprise Singapore about Kinross

Chairman Enterprise Singapore, Assistant CEO Enterprise Singapore and Deputy Director Enterprise Singapore at our booth

Dr Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment visiting our booth



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