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UTM Meeting with Professors from Institute of Bioproduct Development

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

19 & 20 April 2023

Block NO1, Department of Bioprocess & Polymer Engineeging

School of Chemical & Energy Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,

81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Malaysia

The meeting was held between Kinross Pte Ltd and officials from the Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD) of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) on the 20th of April 2023.

Kinross was represented by its Director and CEO, Dennis Ng as well as their Field Consultant, Joe Yau Wing Lee. The introduction to Mr Jimmy Ngow, the Industrial Advisor to UTM was made by Mr Garrett Wong and Mr Lee Hau King, both Malaysian citizens living in KL who made the trip down to Johor to facilitate the introduction and the meeting. An informal dinner was held on 19 April whereby we met with Mr Jimmy Ngow and his wife as well as Associate Professor Dr Chua Lee Suan and her husband and other friends of Mr Garrett Wong.

On 20 April we formally met at the office of the Institute of Bioproduct Development at UTM whereby we were introduced to their Director, Professor and Dr. Hesham A. El-Enshasy. We were given a presentation by Dr. Hesham on the role of IBD and UTM

Subsequently, Dennis gave a presentation on Kinross, its technology and products for soil regeneration.

The meeting ended with UTM wanting to proceed straight to a Memorandum of Agreement instead of an MOU for a joint research collaboration for the validation of Kinross’s products in soil regeneration. Kinross is currently working on the MoA with UTM.

Associate Professor Dr Chua is ranked highly for her research work

UTM has the strong patronage of the Johor Sultan

Getting a briefing from Jimmy Ngow, the Industrial Advisor to UTM before our meeting with the two professors. Jimmy is the key person who brings to market new technologies developed in collaboration with the university by commercial companies

Director and CEO of Kinross explaining the content of the book, “What Your Food Ate” to Director of IBD, Professor and Dr Hesham A. El-Enshasy. “What Your Food Ate” is a highly acclaimed book authored by Professor David R. Montgomerie and his wife Anne Bikle. Professor Montgomerie is from the University of Washington in Seattle and author of many highly acclaimed books on soil. Professor Montgomerie is also a Scientific Advisor to Kinross Pte Ltd

Presentation of the book “What Your Food Ate” to Associate Professor Dr Chua Lee Suan followed by a group picture of all the people who helped to organize the meeting, namely Jimmy Ngow, Lee Hau King, Garrett Wong and Han Bin.



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