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Biostimulants are strains of microorganisms derived from the Earth’s virgin forest deep soil layer using Japan-originated technology. After years of R&D, we have carefully chosen the best strains of these microorganisms and through our proprietary system, cultivate them into Biostimulants, nature’s superheroes to regenerate our planet. 


  • Wide operating temperature range: 0~80°C 

  • Low oxygen demand: Dissolved Oxygen≧0.2mg/L 

  • Sustained effect even after the third generation

  • 100% natural  

  • SGS certified to be safe for plants, animals and humans 

Eco Benefits of our products

Checking the Crops

Revive agriculture land

Image by Stanislav Klimanskii

Regreen desertified land

Image by Roman Synkevych 🇺🇦

Reverse soil salinization

Smelling Flowers

Odor removal

Image by Fredrik Öhlander

Waterway remediation

Cows drinking

Animal waste treatment

Core Technology

Our core technology is powered by nature’s own microorganisms which are originally from the Earth’s virgin forest deep layer soil. After years of careful research, we have selected the most beneficial strains of microorganisms to form the core of our Biostimulant. This consists of an optimal balance of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, designed to deliver maximum impact on land, water, or air. Just as importantly, no toxic byproducts or harmful side effects are experienced in our proven real-world applications.


These Biostimulant microorganisms are collectively cultivated under natural conditions through our proprietary system. This unique cultivation process ensures that our Biostimulants' diverse strains of microorganisms have high survival rates even outside of the normal operating range of temperature, PH, and oxygen levels. This is how Biostimulants rapidly deliver impressive results.


Starting from the Earth soil, Biostimulants lead the revolution to regenerate our planet. Biostimulants work together to first biodegrade any pollutant compounds in soil into harmless particles; followed by breaking down minerals into nutrients that plants can absorb. This creates a conducive environment for other microbes to thrive. Biostimulants can produce soil organic matter up to 20 times faster than nature.


Product Benefits:

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  • Improve soil structure 

  • Increase aeration of soil 

  • Increase water holding capacity of soil 

  • Regulate PH value of soil

  • Significant savings: Remove use of artificial fertilizer, fungicides, and pesticides.

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  • Optimize absorption of nutrients and water by plants 

  • Stimulate plant root growth 

  • Decomposes toxins 

  • Strengthen plant natural immunity 

  • Increase income: Improve crop yields, nutritional values and physical appearance

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